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Will I Get to Heaven?

Will I Get to Heaven?

It's easy to say that we shouldn't be terrified of what is going to happen, but we are only human and these emotions are normal. In order to combat the fear of an uncertain future, we must look to God. Every day that we choose Him, we are trusting that He is going to do and be what He promised. This is the essence of faith! Even when we don't, won't or can't understand the bigger picture, we have to hold onto that feeling of assurance that we can only find through Him and His promise of a future. 

In John 10:28 He promises, " I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand." 

This verse not only reminds us of the gift of eternal life, but it also shows us that we are forever in God's hand and covered by His love! You are saved. You are continuously being saved. And you will be saved through the promise of Heaven. We have to realize that God chooses us every day-- He reaches His hand and His grace out to us, but unfortunately it isn't enough just to accept it. We have to continue to hold on, continue to grow, and WE have to be the ones to choose Him back! Just like a relationships we have with our significant other, family or friends, our relationship with God is contingent on two people (you and God) strengthening your knowledge and love for one another. This love is what helps us through times of trouble! 

"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:12-13

I encourage you to cling to God, hold on to the promises He has given us, and continue to grow in His light and love. 

Unfortunately, sin is undeniable in our human nature. The scariest part about it is that it looks and feels good to sin sometimes, and Satan is constantly working in our life and on our hearts to turn us toward that sin. We have to remember that we have a God so great and loving that He gave us the solution. He gave us His son! With that sacrifice, He gave us the assurance of salvation. If that isn't the most beautiful I've ever received I don't know what is! But again, it comes back to us accepting that gift.

Often times we know what is right, but what we don't understand is that we have to open our hearts and allow God to do the work. It is not in our nature to be able to change our hearts alone, but we have an amazing Father in our corner that is capable and willing to do the heavy lifting if we just ask! We must be willing to be made willing. Read that again! Powerful, right?! We alone do not always have that desire to allow God to do the work, so it is a constant battle. Maintaining our relationship with Him, giving Him room to work within us, and choosing to hold on to His word and His love is the answer.

He is the only one that can transform us from the inside out, we just have to let Him! I don't believe there will be that "Aha" moment when you know you will be in Heaven, but just like any other relationship you will feel that love, that power, and that strength over time. Not every day will be easy, not every moment will be good, but it's about always coming back to the one you love and who loves you. Pray that God will make you willing, that He will give you the desire to what is right and to listen to Him for the answers. Sometimes it helps to set reminders! Schedule devotional time, start a prayer routine, and be conscious about putting in the effort. 

I encourage you to read Psalm 51. The whole chapter is applicable and so, so powerful but verse 10 calls out to me. It says, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  This is the plea we should come to God with, and he will never turn us away. 

I am not the one who can tell you whether or not you will be saved. That answer, that choice, is between you and God. There is no confidential secret, no recipe for salvation. It lies simply within a willing heart. Do not be fearful of the future, but celebrate and use every day as a gift to understand and grow. God will do the transforming if you invite Him in. He has already given you the gift of assurance and salvation, but it is up to you what you do with it. I encourage you to learn more about Him, strengthen your relationship, ask Him for the answers you are searching for.

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