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Is There a Right Way to Pray?

Is There a Right Way to Pray?

Cyndi Woods

   Have you ever felt like you are “not good” at prayer? Maybe you have felt like your words have to sound eloquent and articulate. Maybe you have felt as though the only time God hears you is when you are on your knees. What if someone is in a wheelchair or has difficulty being on their knees… does God ignore their prayers?

   I would like to share a scripture with you that encourages me.

Matthew  6:6 says “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

This verse is advising us not to make a big show of prayer but the comfort comes in with that advisement. You see, if Jesus tells us to go behind close doors to pray and not make it a production, then no elaborate words or demonstrations are needed. You don’t have to speak eloquent words or light candles or play special music or even be able to kneel. Kneeling is a form of reverence, yes, but it’s all in the heart. Knowing God is your Father who loves you and has His arms open to receive you is kneeling even if you can’t physically kneel.

   Often times when there is a disability involved, it can feel as though we can’t be “properly” praying. We may even feel disabled by our past mistakes and therefore not be able to “pray right”. This verse is simply instructing us to go to a quiet place and pour our heart out to God. We don’t need the “right” words or the “right” posture or the “right” placement. We just need to pray. God will hear you my friend. No matter how you pray, He hears you! God knows our hearts so if the words are jumbled and don’t seem to make much sense, He’ll understand. If you have no words at all, only tears. He’ll get it. If you can’t physically kneel, He knows the intent of your heart.

   Just find that quiet place and talk to God. That quiet place might be your car, a closet, the bathroom… wherever it is, He’ll hear you!   

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