Hello, gorgeous!

This is a safe place to ask your toughest questions and find your deepest purpose!

24  Reminders

24 Reminders

1. Every day you wake up, no matter how old you get, you can decide to be a better version of yourself.

2. You will finally get to a point where you love and accept yourself. It might take a lifetime to accomplish, but you won't feel insecure forever.

3. Being single isn't easy because society makes it seem like being alone means you are lonely or missing out on a relationship. But you won't be alone forever.

4. Gratitude is real and it changes you for the better. Situations could always be worse.

5. A relationship is not going to magically solve all your problems. You still have to pick yourself up when you feel broken and when you feel alone.

6. Every season serves a purpose. It made you into who you are today.

7. Take care of your health. Enjoy food you love but exercise and a good diet matters.

8. Try not to beat yourself up for not being the size you were when you were 16. Your body will change

9. Everyone compares themselves to or feels envious of someone at some point. We are human.

10. However, comparing yourself to others just makes you miserable and it will slowly take a toll on your mental health. Your journey is yours for a reason.

11. Social media is just a snapshot of a highlight reel. We all have experiences we would rather not share with others.

12. Being an introvert in an extroverted world isn't easy, but eventually, you'll feel comfortable being social without feeling awkward or uncomfortable. It takes time and practice.

13. We are all special in God's eyes, but to the world, you aren't that important. Everyone is thinking of themselves. Don't take it personally.

14. Many of us don't know what we are doing with our lives yet. We might have goals and dreams, but we aren't exactly where we want to be in life yet.

15. You will find someone who will love you exactly for who you are.

16. Anxiety and depression are more common than you think. You are not the only one who suffers. You can still live a happy and healthy life in spite of this.

17. Friends you thought you would know forever might leave or drift away.

18 But, be thankful for that season and appreciate the friends who've stayed.

19. You are smarter and more attractive than you give yourself credit for.

20. God had a plan all along.

21. There will be people who will be better than you at many things, but you have talents that only you can use.

22. Don't allow envy to stop you from making connections with others whose knowledge can help you grow.

23. Not everything is about you. Take some time to help out others and hear what they're going through.

24. Whether the situation is good or bad, the one thing that is always certain is that you will grow.

Bria Burrows

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