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You Matter Without Social Media

You Matter Without Social Media

By Bria Barrows

I often wonder what our world would be like if we all took some time to unplug from social media. I wonder how much happier we would feel, how present we would be, and how much less we would compare our lives to others.

Nowadays, we all have the opportunity to brand ourselves; show who we are and what we do to everyone. This is amazing but also self-destructive because it compels us to want to prove ourselves to others. You might have heard the saying, "Did it really happen if you didn't post it?"

I won't be a hypocrite and say that I hate social media because I am on it quite often. But lately, I have had to check my ego and assess just how much my time online affects me and my mental health.

According to studies, social media can have effects on us in six crucial ways: sleep, self-esteem, attention span, and mental health. I can sadly attest to being up late at night online when I should be sleeping or, using social media when I should be studying.

Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are also a huge risk. Constantly scrolling and consuming the highlights of other people's lives can cause comparison, which could also lead to depression. The fear of missing out on others posts or feeling the need to keep up can also lead to anxiety.

At the end of the day, you aren't what you post on social media and your worth isn't measured by likes, followers, or attention.

To eliminate anxiety, depression or just incessant social media use, I suggest having self-care days where you unplug completely. Go for a walk, journal, meet up with friends, or family and enjoy being in those moments. That is reality. Genuine human connections. Not the junk we see online.

Breathe, live and be happy being you.

You matter without social media.

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