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Three Steps for Staying Sane While Stuck Inside

Three Steps for Staying Sane While Stuck Inside

 by Kayla Garnett

Now, I don’t speak for all of you out there, but I know some can agree that one of the most significant things they lost while quarantining was their sanity. Whether it be my parents, my brothers, or just the fact that I am stuck in one place all day long can drive me nuts! To make matters worse, alleviating the stress that accumulates is usually not as easy as taking a few deep breaths or counting backwards from 10. All that built-up stress leads to anger and usually ends badly with a heated argument or even tears. I have learned (through trial and error) three steps to dissolve stress and leave peace in its place. I guarantee that these steps work every time, and the bonus is that they can be tweaked until they work for you!

Step One: Take a Step Back

The first step in banishing stress and preventing anger is to take a step back from the situation. Whether it be a heated verbal argument or a physical altercation, pause, step back and ask yourself: What started this argument? Am I considering both sides of what’s going on? Why am I so frustrated? What is triggering this anger on both sides? Remember, you cannot pull the weed before getting to the root. You are not going to solve your problems if you don’t address what started them.

Step Two: Say a Quick Prayer

This is the most important step. God really cares about all of our problems. It pains Him to see his children fighting and suffering. If you ask, God will give you peace and patience to get through any situation. Jesus says in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you… Let not your heart be troubled or afraid.” Jesus wants us to be slow to get angry or frustrated but quick to consult or turn to Him in the beginning or in the midst of our troubles. When you pray, God will clear your “vision” so that you can see a way to solve your problems.

Step Three: Solve the Problem

Even if you didn’t “start it,” meaning instigate the argument or fight, you should always try to be the bigger person. That means admitting to your wrongs (even if there are barely any) and opening up. Agree with the other person, because it will usually calm them down, and it can help them realize their wrongs, as well as the fact that the whole situation was not such a big deal in the first place. If you are dealing with another problem, such as a non-human problem, remember that sometimes there are times where you cannot control what is going on and you simply must roll with the punches. For example, if your parents take away your phone, are you going to be snarky and rude because you are upset? Or will you take the time to gain back their trust, go back to that book you were reading or spend more time with your siblings? Only you can decide if you will go through rough or unfair situations either a) complaining and feeling sorry for yourself or b) gracefully, appreciating what you have and moving forward.

That’s all there is to it! But it is extremely important to remember that not all problems in our lives will be solved exactly how we want/think they will. God always sees the bigger picture, and he knows what's best for us. As long as we trust Him completely and let Him influence all of our decisions, everything will go exactly the way it should, making our lives a little more calm, peaceful and maybe a little bit saner.


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